Phytoplankton and Paleolimnology Lab

Lab Overview

Our research team pursues applied aquatic studies on freshwater ecosystems. Routine work focuses on the use of algae as indicators of environmental changes. We are fully equipped for research on microbiological and chemical indicators of water quality, and paleolimnology, the study of environmental trends through the analysis of sediment profiles. Techniques include field sampling, high-resolution microscopy, digital imaging, laboratory processing and scientific writing.

The study of tiny things in aquatic ecosystems 

Mineral Characterization

Mineralogy Lab Overview

State-of-the-art mineral characterization capabilities occur at both the Duluth and Coleraine Natural Resources Research Institute locations.

Mineral Characterization Lab at NRRI Coleraine Facility

The mineralogy laboratory in Coleraine is housed in its own building and contains the latest technological equipment for both mineral sample preparation and characterization work including, but not limited to: