
NRRI cultivates a renewable energy future

Solar and wind energy readily come to mind when talk turns to alternative energy options. But the renewable energy options are much broader – and more complex.

NRRI is leading exciting developments in some of the lesser known renewable or alternative energy options, with the potential for significant impact. And yes, solar and wind technologies are part of the portfolio, even if the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. NRRI is looking at innovative energy storage options to balance supply and demand.

But what Minnesota might lack in sunshine or steady breezes, it makes up in biomass – wood, forest harvest residues and agricultural byproduct.  How can we get the most BTUs out of those resources?

There’s a lot of work ahead and NRRI is working with industry partners Minnesota Power, Xcel Energy, SynGas Technology LLC and the Coalition for Sustainable Rail to get it done.