Featured NRRI News

Articles from the marketing and communications staff at NRRI. 

NRRI demonstration project transforms wildfire fuel into carbon-sequestering, soil-enhancing biocarbon material

This year we are celebrating the year NRRI was signed into legislation, 1983. These are a few research highlights over the past 40 years at NRRI. 

Applied research institute was formed as a legislative tool for more informed decision-making.

NRRI Sustainability Coordinator, Tiffany Sprague, helps us all live out our best, sustainable lives at work and at home.

Intern project gives data the GIS treatment for easy access to pine estimates and logging harvest activities

Research effort to provide artificial tree cavities attracted some fishers, other wildlife; expanded project will study predators

NRRI research to identify and confirm major ore recovery improvements from waste taconite moves industry forward

High Pressure Grinding Rolls provide perfect technology for interplanetary impact

Database pulls it all together for online minerals exploration and discovery

Love of outdoors keeps field work at the core of research technician’s role.